I worked hard for the two Bram Stoker Awards you see here and display them proudly in my home. They are beautiful little statues and surprisingly heavy when you pick them up. The small brass doors even open up to reveal the award category and titles of my books.

But these trophies represent the past. I am now very much focused on the future. So what’s next? Here’s an exclusive: I’m hard at work on two books at the moment. The first is a horror/fantasy novel that also features a visual encyclopedia sort of sewn throughout. I love genre mashups and this one certainly fits the bill. The working title for the book is FREAK.

For years, my longtime agent has asked me to write a narrative nonfiction book in the tradition of Erik Larsen (Devil in the White City). I love Erik’s work. I had the fortune of doing an event with him a few years ago at the Sulzer Regional Library in Chicago. I have wanted to get back to nonfiction as doing heavy research is one of my favorite parts of the creative process. I can’t divulge the subject of the book just yet, but I will say it centers around the world of the occult. It is narrative nonfiction horror.

Finally, I am back on the speaking engagement trail, giving presentations on the great Ray Bradbury and also leading writing groups. If you are interested in having me visit your library or school, drop a message to

Be cool. Be positive. Never forget—gratitude is an attitude.


My new book of short stories is now available for pre-order directly from the publisher. To be totally candid, publishers and artists, sadly, don’t see much return, if anything, from books sold on Amazon. Buying direct from the publisher is the best way to support the future of quality book publishing. The team at Los Angeles-based Hat and Beard Press, along with illustrator Dan Grzeca, and myself, have poured our absolute hearts out into this project.  There are 20 beautiful illustrations to go with each story. Click here to pre-order Dark Black.

The release date is June 30. And, as an added bonus—ALL copies pre-ordered through the Hat & Beard web site will be personally signed and dated by me and artist extraordinaire, Dan Grzeca. You’ll likely get an individual, one-of-a-kind doodle by me as well.

Finally, I thought I would share with you the front and back cover.

Much more news on Dark Black, and the book tour, coming very soon. Thank you for all of your support!

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